Henry County – Research x Design http://researchxdesign.org Promoting civic engagement and education in local government through research and design. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 19:37:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.4.14 Henry County Primary Run-Off Voter Guide 2020 http://researchxdesign.org/henry-county-aug-11-2020-primary-run-off/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=henry-county-aug-11-2020-primary-run-off Fri, 24 Jul 2020 03:23:24 +0000 http://researchxdesign.org/?p=41 Sheriff

Tony Brown (D)

• 20+ years in law enforcement
• U.S. Air Force veteran working as an intelligence officer, military police and federal special investigator
• Previously ran for coroner
• Wants better leadership and a better work environment for the Sheriff’s Office so employees can do their job without worrying about their boss’s political agendas and job safety.

Reginald Scandrett (D)

• Former Chief Deputy of the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office
• A career law enforcement officer, former jail division commander and detention officer
• Vice President of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives Georgia Chapter and founder of Metro Atlanta Chief Jailors Group
Wants to establish programs that reduce recidivism
Foster strong, viable & sustainable community relationships
• Collaborate closely with neighboring and distant jurisdictions to mitigate crime
• “Tough, yet restorative” stance on crime (whatever that means) wants to empower victims to participate effectively in dialogue or mediation with offenders.
Foster employee engagement to provide better customer service

Board of Education, District 2

Josh Hinton Incumbent

• Elected to the board in 2012
• Championed for a teacher pay raise in the 2019-2020 budget and voted to purchase classroom resources for teachers so they don’t have to rely on using personal money to buy things they need.
• Focused on securing employee positions and compensation during these economic times to maintain a high quality staff
• Important to invest in the security of school campuses and student safety.
• Would like to see the continued investment in one-to-one student devices
• Supports an aggressive replacement plan for the bus fleet to remove older buses from the road. Believes the board should consider a second bus maintenance shop on the west side of I-75 so that drivers travel fewer miles for routine maintenance and state inspections.
• Believes proven leadership right now is a must and he has the experience and knowledge to keep the positive momentum going for student success and employee satisfaction.
• Hinton along with the school board faced a law suit after hiring a superintendent and then revoking the job offer

Makenzie McDaniel

• Retired United Army Reserves and police officer with DeKalb County on the South Precinct
• Currently serving on the Luella Elementary School Council, member of the Connecting Henry Board of Directors and Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee.
• Believes all students deserve equality in education and opportunity, a safe school bus to ride, to be proficient in reading and math and positioned for success after high school.
• Will support teachers from discipline to resources and investing in their educational development to competitive salaries.
• Bus drivers deserve a competitive salary and wants to keep parents and community involved.
• “The manner in which Mr. Josh Hinton [and others] conducted themselves in the superintendent search was abhorrent and inexcusable. The consequences of their actions is a financial liability to the taxpayers of this county.” “We must have elected officials who see the content and character of a person and not the color of their skin.” “It is time for us in District 2 to elect someone who is more concerned about the students and their well-being versus the well-being of the powerful.”
